Crying through Plastic eyes eBook Regina Puckett Hercules Editing Pliene Dreamstime

Crying through Plastic eyes eBook Regina Puckett Hercules Editing Pliene Dreamstime
Destiny is a mother of six-year old Krissy. She is divorced from her husband, Tony, who one evening returns Krissy home to her mom from a visit, while a gal friend hangs onto his arm. Tony is coarse and demeaning of Destiny. After a short confrontation, Destiny locks the door when they leave. She has been busy going through boxes of belongings of her mother who has recently died. On her table are several dolls that her mother had collected. Sassy, a small terrier is devoted to Krissy but becomes upset when Krissy is hugging a doll while on her bed. The next day, Krissy is missing. Author Regina Puckett is very talented in writing horror stories. This is her third novella I've read, and each one of them is unique. Mystery...horror...paranormal: Regina is at the top with her excellent tales. Don't miss out on any of them!
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Crying through Plastic eyes eBook Regina Puckett Hercules Editing Pliene Dreamstime Reviews
Crying Through Plastic Eyes by Regina Puckett is a delightful horror story. The evil doll gave me the shivers and the mother's dilemma was stupefying. I'm not even going to discuss what happens to Sassy, the adorable little terrier. This is a tale that will come back to haunt you every time you see a doll, I promise. Puckett is an outstanding writer with an unpredictable imagination.
Creepy doll story goodness is right. Everyone likes a good horror story. A horror story which involves dolls is especially creepy, and one with clowns just adds to the creepiness. Crying Through Plastic Eyes is a dark story that begins with the serious issue of divorce. Soon enough, unexplained activity begins. What is their purpose? Where did they come from? What do they want? This is one scary tale with a disturbing twist at the end. Crying Through Plastic Eyes is one of those well written stories that horror fans will remember. So, the next time that you are walking through a dark room, take a look around you. If there are dolls sitting in the darkness in the room, they will be watching.
There are certain things I look for in a book. Above all, I want it to change or enhance my perceptions of life, the genre, etc. Crying Through Plastic Eyes did a bit of both. The turmoil of the relationship as well as the horror elements made for compelling, believable characters. It made me think the lengths people will go to for revenge. And, though at first I was skeptical of the inclusion of dolls, the author gave the idea a new life. If you want a story with real characters that will surprise and make you think, this is for you.
Crying Through Plastic Eyes once again proves Regina Puckett is the Queen of Horror! It is a story of a newly divorced mother who just lost her mother. While attempting to settle into her new life she discovers a box full of dolls that belonged to her late mother. Strange things begin to happen once her daughter discovers these newly found treasures. Her daughter's love for the dolls lead everyone down a path of no return. I would highly recommend Crying Through Plastic Eyes to anyone who enjoys a read high on the goosebumps scale! Well done, Regina!
Ms. Puckett has done it again. "Crying Through Plastic Eyes" is another scary short story. Coming right on the heels of her recently published ghost story, "Mine," this will cement her credentials as a writer of horror stories. There's more to this story than just horror, though.
Although the story is short, the characters are well-developed. Ms. Puckett does a fine job of sharing her character's feelings with the reader. Besides fear, there is love, anger, frustration, and plain old blood-chilling suspense, all in this one little package.
After you read it, you'll never see a doll or a clown again without chills running down your spine.
This story, by Regina Puckett, is truly one that will give you nightmares! She seems to have a way of taking a relatively mundane situation and turn it into a thrilling, surprising, and truly unique tale. I guess when the creepy clown and old fashion dolls appeared in places they shouldn't, I should have guessed that the story would not follow a straight line and that I was in for a strange series of twists that I have come to expect from this author! I would highly recommend this 37 page trip into the strange and paranormal to any horror fan or any reader who enjoys unexpected turns and a truly surprising ending!
I came upon this author on Twitter and was immediately drawn to the different genres she writes. As an author, I tend to stay where I'm comfortable, but this talented writer tackles many different topics. Her range and diversity caught my attention. This short novella starts very matter-of-factly, but quickly takes off into the realm of horror. I love how the author developed her main character. I had sympathy for her. I did not want one more bad thing to happen to her, and yet, (not to spoil) the unthinkable does. And, all from the eyes of a antique plastic doll. (I know, creepy) I thoroughly enjoyed this novella and am grateful I downloaded more new material by this engaging author.
Destiny is a mother of six-year old Krissy. She is divorced from her husband, Tony, who one evening returns Krissy home to her mom from a visit, while a gal friend hangs onto his arm. Tony is coarse and demeaning of Destiny. After a short confrontation, Destiny locks the door when they leave. She has been busy going through boxes of belongings of her mother who has recently died. On her table are several dolls that her mother had collected. Sassy, a small terrier is devoted to Krissy but becomes upset when Krissy is hugging a doll while on her bed. The next day, Krissy is missing. Author Regina Puckett is very talented in writing horror stories. This is her third novella I've read, and each one of them is unique. Mystery...horror...paranormal Regina is at the top with her excellent tales. Don't miss out on any of them!

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