The Demon Trappers Foretold Jana Oliver 9781447216063 Books

The Demon Trappers Foretold Jana Oliver 9781447216063 Books
Because Atlanta is about to be toasted by Hell's fiery ire.No spoilers!
Since St. Martin's had sent me the previous two sequels in the Demon Trappers series, I, as patiently as possible, awaited the arrival of the fourth book.
And that patience was ALL FOR NOTHING because I was never sent a copy. So when I received an Amazon gift card for Christmas, guess what I spent some of it on? Because ya'll have to understand: I've about had it with patience. Patience is NOT a virtue, because it gets you NOTHING (as St. Martin's has proven). I NEEDED TO KNOW what would happen to two of the most stubborn characters in recent history and whether or not my hopes for them would be heartlessly dashed. Foretold by Jana Oliver gave me everything I wanted, maybe a little too easily, but I'm NOT complaining. Not really.
Ok, So What Had Happened Was: The redhead reporter that had been bouncing around in Beck's bed has unearthed something disturbing about his past and he won't let Riley help. At least, not willingly. Meanwhile, Hell's politics are taking a turn for the DETRIMENTAL TO THE ENTIRE WORLD and everyone is warily preparing for a supernatural battle for the souls of all that is, essentially, inevitable. Will Beck and Riley FINALLY have their turn? And will they both be able to survive Hell's bloody conflict literally rising to the surface?
Reading this series has been a tumultuous, though nonetheless awesome, experience. Mainly because a lot of it feels fresh from Jana's, and only Jana's, brain. We have a devastating picture of Atlanta now five years in the future as it stands on the rickety brink of an apocalyptic meltdown. The economy has been doing poorly, as have people in their lives, reflecting the turmoil both in the heaven and hell overseeing the slow decline of earth's inhabitants. With magic arising in very unexpected places, and developing into varied professions, people are worse for wear, to say the least. Including Riley Anora Blackthorne.
All in all, I love the pants off this chick. Despite all the darkness, heartbreak, and plain evil she's experienced and had to work through, Riley never quite loses her grip on her own strength. She consistently prevails, no matter what fate, heaven, or hell throws at her. Things got so darn bad for her that I started to feel a little feisty toward all her enemies.
You just want to reach in and protect her, because no matter who's in her corner, somehow she gets letdown, shoved around, or brutally rebuffed. Her heart has taken hit after hit, and she stubbornly remains standing. I LOVE HER FOR THAT. Don't get me wrong, she's prone to errors in judgment and she has her share of flaws, but I love that about her as well. I completely accept her as a fictional person, and it's been so long since I've been able to say that.
`Sides all that noise, the dark, dilapidating world-building combined with the concept of demon trapping has been a source of COMPLETE FASCINATION. It never ceases to amaze me how freaking cool the demon trappers are, the range of them and their abilities, as well as visualizing them in action. And of course, I can't suppress the complimentary *fist-pump* that comes with Riley being the only girl ever admitted into the Demon Trappers Guild. Her dedication to the profession, and determination to do right by her father's legacy, makes her worthy of anything.
INCLUDING DENVER FLIPPING BECK. The guy who stubbornly doesn't want to admit he's been waiting in the wings. This is a series of four books, and for every inch of progress between them, someone drops the metaphorical ruler and we have to start all over. There have been so many setbacks, and I've been so darn tired of waiting, but I am RIDICULOUSLY PLEASED.
Was this conclusion a successful end to the series? Yes, yes, yes. There was action, character development, mystery, and a happy surplus of emotion and romance. There's no ambiguous `everything will pan out eventually' send-off, but a definitive wrap-up that stays true to Riley, Beck, and all the rest. Will I read more written by Jana Oliver? JUST YOU TRY TO STOP ME.

Tags : The Demon Trappers: Foretold [Jana Oliver] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. In the fourth Demon Trappers novel, Riley faces the final battle for humanity and Becks heart-and Hell is the least of her problems w that Riley's managed to (just barely) fend off Armageddon,Jana Oliver,The Demon Trappers: Foretold,Macmillan,1447216067
The Demon Trappers Foretold Jana Oliver 9781447216063 Books Reviews
***ARC received by St. Martin's Griffin for review***
"We'll make it through this," he insisted. "You and me, we're stronger than Hell. Love always is."
I just realized that this is only the 4th series that I have finished reading. (Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead, Succubus Blues by Richelle Mead and the Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer are the other 3 series I have finished) It's very hard to write a review for this book because a) This is the last book in the series and it's hard not to include spoilers from previous books and b) I'm so upset that this is the last Demon Trappers book! No more Beck and Riley! Over the past 5 years, I have started reading series and for one reason or another I don't continue with it. When I started reading The Demon Trapper's Daughter a couple of years ago, I knew right away that this was a series that would become one of my favorites. With one of the most unique settings that I have read, the world of The Demon Trappers sucks you in and keeps you hooked!
(Spoilers for the first 3 books in this next paragraph, skip to next paragraph if you haven't read the previous books in this series)
After the epic battle in the cemetery where many trappers's lost their lives, Riley had no choice but to trade her soul in order to save the world. But one good thing came out of all of that. Beck finally admitted his feelings to Riley and they shared a hot kiss that we have all been desperately waiting for. But now that the battle is over and things are back to semi-normal, Beck's ex Justine is digging up in his past. He has many skeletons in his past that he doesn't want Riley to know about. So, he goes back to treating her like a little kid and pushing her away. I was as frustrated as Riley about this but after losing so many people she loves, she is not giving up on Beck and she is fighting for him. This turns out to be her biggest battle yet. When she is sent to accompany Beck to his hometown to spend time with his dying mom, she knows that this trip will either bring them together or drive them apart for good. Meanwhile, back in Atlanta, the Fallen Angel Ori, who owns Riley's soul (literally) is getting ready to go up against Hell in order to save Riley. But what will happen to her soul if he dies?
(Spoilers over, safe to continue reading)
There is so much I love about this series, Riley and Beck being the top reasons of course. Riley is such a strong character. She is the only demon trapper and she never gave up no matter how hard it was on her. Even after losing people she loves, she is determined to keep living and not let Hell have her soul. And she refuses to give up on Beck even though he pushes her away. Plus, she kicks major demon butt! Backwoods Boy has always been one of my favorite guy characters. He's a tough guy with a very hard childhood and he doesn't let people get close to him, except for Riley's dad who was his mentor. He has always had feelings for Riley but thought she would be better off without him. Plus, she is his master trapper's daughter and is a couple of years younger than him. But no matter how many times he pushes he away, he is always there for her when she needs him. In this book, we finally learn more about Beck's troubled past and why he is so afraid for Riley to find out about it. The rest of the trappers are so well written, especially Stewart and I even ended up liking Harper. I also want to say how unique, creative and well thought-out the world Jana created is. How she came up with the different demons, their abilities and the spheres to fight them is pure genius! And Ori! I was never a fan of his and I especially hated him after what he did to Riley, but he managed to redeem himself in this book.
For all you Demon Trapper fans out there, this book is so worth it and it is the perfect ending to the series! (Although I still wish it weren't over) We finally get everything we (or at least I) have been waiting for and then some! For those of you who have not yet read this series, what are you waiting for? Demons, angels, fallen angels, Lucifer, Heaven, Hell, The Vatican, demon hunters and trappers, epic fighting scenes and one heck of a love story, The Demon Trappers series has it all!
5 out of 5 super sparkly stars!
Some of my favorite non-spoiler quotes from Foretold
-Just when they'd grown so close, something in his past had caused him to push her away. This time Riley wasn't going quietly, not when she knew she loved the guy.
-If he truly loved her, he'd be there for her. If he couldn't deal...
Hell might as well take me now.
-She wasn't in hell yet. She still had time to live.
-The angel may own your soul, but he doesn't own your heart. I will not let him hurt you ever again. I will kill him first or I'll die trying.
-She cut off his final words with a kiss, one nearly as possessive and needy as the one she'd given him at the bus station. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her tightly against him.
Read more of my reviews at
Nereyda @Mostly YA Book Obsessed
Because Atlanta is about to be toasted by Hell's fiery ire.
No spoilers!
Since St. Martin's had sent me the previous two sequels in the Demon Trappers series, I, as patiently as possible, awaited the arrival of the fourth book.
And that patience was ALL FOR NOTHING because I was never sent a copy. So when I received an gift card for Christmas, guess what I spent some of it on? Because ya'll have to understand I've about had it with patience. Patience is NOT a virtue, because it gets you NOTHING (as St. Martin's has proven). I NEEDED TO KNOW what would happen to two of the most stubborn characters in recent history and whether or not my hopes for them would be heartlessly dashed. Foretold by Jana Oliver gave me everything I wanted, maybe a little too easily, but I'm NOT complaining. Not really.
Ok, So What Had Happened Was The redhead reporter that had been bouncing around in Beck's bed has unearthed something disturbing about his past and he won't let Riley help. At least, not willingly. Meanwhile, Hell's politics are taking a turn for the DETRIMENTAL TO THE ENTIRE WORLD and everyone is warily preparing for a supernatural battle for the souls of all that is, essentially, inevitable. Will Beck and Riley FINALLY have their turn? And will they both be able to survive Hell's bloody conflict literally rising to the surface?
Reading this series has been a tumultuous, though nonetheless awesome, experience. Mainly because a lot of it feels fresh from Jana's, and only Jana's, brain. We have a devastating picture of Atlanta now five years in the future as it stands on the rickety brink of an apocalyptic meltdown. The economy has been doing poorly, as have people in their lives, reflecting the turmoil both in the heaven and hell overseeing the slow decline of earth's inhabitants. With magic arising in very unexpected places, and developing into varied professions, people are worse for wear, to say the least. Including Riley Anora Blackthorne.
All in all, I love the pants off this chick. Despite all the darkness, heartbreak, and plain evil she's experienced and had to work through, Riley never quite loses her grip on her own strength. She consistently prevails, no matter what fate, heaven, or hell throws at her. Things got so darn bad for her that I started to feel a little feisty toward all her enemies.
You just want to reach in and protect her, because no matter who's in her corner, somehow she gets letdown, shoved around, or brutally rebuffed. Her heart has taken hit after hit, and she stubbornly remains standing. I LOVE HER FOR THAT. Don't get me wrong, she's prone to errors in judgment and she has her share of flaws, but I love that about her as well. I completely accept her as a fictional person, and it's been so long since I've been able to say that.
`Sides all that noise, the dark, dilapidating world-building combined with the concept of demon trapping has been a source of COMPLETE FASCINATION. It never ceases to amaze me how freaking cool the demon trappers are, the range of them and their abilities, as well as visualizing them in action. And of course, I can't suppress the complimentary *fist-pump* that comes with Riley being the only girl ever admitted into the Demon Trappers Guild. Her dedication to the profession, and determination to do right by her father's legacy, makes her worthy of anything.
INCLUDING DENVER FLIPPING BECK. The guy who stubbornly doesn't want to admit he's been waiting in the wings. This is a series of four books, and for every inch of progress between them, someone drops the metaphorical ruler and we have to start all over. There have been so many setbacks, and I've been so darn tired of waiting, but I am RIDICULOUSLY PLEASED.
Was this conclusion a successful end to the series? Yes, yes, yes. There was action, character development, mystery, and a happy surplus of emotion and romance. There's no ambiguous `everything will pan out eventually' send-off, but a definitive wrap-up that stays true to Riley, Beck, and all the rest. Will I read more written by Jana Oliver? JUST YOU TRY TO STOP ME.

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