The Way to Paradise W E Van Amburgh 9781411659711 Books

The Way to Paradise W E Van Amburgh 9781411659711 Books
The Way to ParadisePerfect Reproduction of the Watchtower Society book which highlights the amazing events to come in 1925! This is one the Jehovah's Witnesses don't want you to see and you won't find in any Watchtower Society Publications index.
Tags : The Way to Paradise [W. E. Van Amburgh] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. This is a high quality enlarged replica reprint of the rare 1924 book by W. E. Van Amburgh, who was the Secretary/Treasurer of The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society for 43 years. It is worth noting that in his time W. E. Van Amburgh was one of only five members of the Watch Tower Editorial Committee qualified,W. E. Van Amburgh,The Way to Paradise,,1411659716,Christianity,Christianity - General,Christianity: General,Religion,Religion - Church History,Religion Christianity General,Religion: general
The Way to Paradise W E Van Amburgh 9781411659711 Books Reviews
This publisher has produced another impressive edition of an old Watchtower Bible & Tract Society work that has been hidden from public view for decades by a group that consistently seeks to disavow the doctrines it taught in the past as "truth" received directly from God. This volume has been beautifully executed in an easy to read 81/2 by 11 format with a striking cover illustration. The original illustrations and diagrams have been restored to remarkable legibility. A bonus is the interesting biographical account of the author, W.E. Van Amburgh, who occupied an important position in this religious organization but whose existence is unknown to many of its current members. This biography, written and inserted by the current publisher and obviously the result of a great deal of research, includes old photographs of the author and his colleagues and a surprisingly ironic conclusion. This book is another fascinating look at the strange history of a religion that has been opportunistically re-inventing itself for years in a manner that adversely affects its followers. Should be read by current and ex-Jehovah's Witnesses, as well as students of religion, in general and American cults, in particular.
The Way to Paradise by W.E.Van Amburgh is more than a reprint of
a religious book intended for children of Jehovah's Witnesses at
a particular time and place in the history of that indigenous American religion/cult. This book is an x-ray view of the peculiar mock-innocence with which the Watchtower Society has gone about its insidious indoctrinations. "Pilgrim" Van Amburgh
has a flowing rigor to his style that apes his hero Pastor Russell's involuted rhetoric which is not unpleasant once you adjust the time-screw in your head back to more billowy tastes.
Who might want to own and read this book and why? I'd recommend this book for people interested in American religion, seminary students, honest seekers who are on the fence about the doctrines of JW's, spiritually-minded curiousity seekers and anybody who ever answered the door to face a Watchtower salesman disguised as a "minister". To this list I'd single out Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses who might want to document in their own heart the strange and feckless power of an utterly convinced apologists of an end-times cult bent on converting the world so that Armageddon can relieve them of their depressing obligations.
The EXTRA! Biographical supplement is worth the asking price for the whole book (which is handsomely presented in a glossy flexible cover and available from LuLu Enterprises)because it contains an uncanny account of Van Amburgh's journey in life from a disciple and friend of Pastor Russell (founder of the cult which became the religion Jehovah's Witnesses)and his defender in court cases (for fraud in the Miracle Wheat scandal)a contributing writer and one of very few men chosen to review the doctrinal output of the "anointed" elite that composed the governing body of this religion.
We learn that Van Amburgh was at odds with the many changes foisted upon Russell's followers by his successor Judge Rutherford, but, that he kept his cool and went along to get along. Many interesting inside facts are herein presented that are a must for those who wish to explore the fallacies inherent in the Witness doctrine of "light" that gets brighter and brighter (destroying the truth of previous light!)
Note the print is large enough for even near-sighted people to read easily without bifocals and the reprint includes many amusing advertisements for other JW publications.
As a former JW myself I felt a tingle go up my spine at the sincere tone which is very convincing and hypnotizing until you step back and see how often this religion has violated the consciences of it's members with false prophecies of Armageddon and demands for utter dedication. This is a **** book.
This is a real classic Watchtower book. It has original prophicies, and I would recommend it for anyone wanting to know what the doctrine actually was in the beginning. Very interesting, a good read and informative, in the newest printing of an old book. Samantha
The Way to ParadisePerfect Reproduction of the Watchtower Society book which highlights the amazing events to come in 1925! This is one the Jehovah's Witnesses don't want you to see and you won't find in any Watchtower Society Publications index.

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