Green Jay Lake 9780765321855 Books

Green Jay Lake 9780765321855 Books
I wavered between liked and loved bc tho the entertainment value is way up there...meaning it was interesting and fun and I was surprised several times (I always know what is going to happen in a book, so that was cool) there were some points I was a little less impressed with. Just some vagueness and well it is not a literary masterpiece. But if you are into these types of books you can usually put down the pretentious judgment for the length of the book. I love fantasy/scifi so I give not only a pass but an A. (side note ya i am a feminist and I see where some might have issues with some of the plot but I think he makes up for it with the complexities of his female characters. Further not every book can be based in a society where equality is valued and or a matriarchy bc if they did then what would the MC have to struggle against ) idk whatever i liked it.
Tags : Green [Jay Lake] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. She was born in poverty, in a dusty village under the equatorial sun. She does not remember her mother,Jay Lake,Green,Tor Books,0765321858,Fantasy fiction.,Science fiction.,AMERICAN SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY,Fantasy,Fantasy - General,Fantasy fiction,Fiction,Fiction - Fantasy,Fiction Fantasy General,Fiction-Fantasy,GENERAL,General Adult,Science fiction,United States
Green Jay Lake 9780765321855 Books Reviews
Starts slow, then takes a hard turn into softcore porn with some S&M thrown in. Details don't make sense. The main character never once seems like she is the age she purported to be.
I loved the character's journey and development, and being able to go through the internal 'My Fair Lady' experience with her when she tried to return to her childhood home. I loved the way gods and magic were described, and how powerful belief could be in this world, and I loved the ending. This is worth reading for the story, for the adventure, for the cultural descriptions, and for thought-provoking ideas it has to offer. Very much worthwhile.
A little girl is sold into slavery or is she?
There are multiple twists and turns in the life of this girl. Enjoy the ride! for the Misfit book club it was a good read. When you learn your own power, when you dare not to be who people expect you to be you are Green.
Imagine if a Tom Clancy novel, with their multiple plotlines and character-collision architecture was told entirely from the point of view of one character, and in first person, and you'll have some idea of what Green is like.
The story is about freeing a city-state from the consequences of past choices (I'm hesitant to call them mistakes; at the end it feels more like tough choices were made and the consequences were left to metastasize for a few centuries before anyone got around to cleaning up the messy bits). But the story is told in first-person and is very much auto-biographical. So while the story is off doing exciting things on the other side of the world, we follow our heroine as she tries to settle into a strange culture and build a new home for herself.
Still, it's entertaining. There's some fun world-building here, taking bits and pieces from stuff we've seen before and gently layering them together in intriguing ways.
I can see why comparisons might be drawn between this and Carey's Kushiel books, but really, the similarity is barely skin deep. There's a bit of eroticism sprinkled into the story but sex is just fun for Green, not sacrament, nor is it pivotal to the plot. It's also barely steampunk; there are a few steam engines in it, but largely this world is low fantasy swords-and-sandals fare. But if you like your swords-and-sorcery mixed with a bit of playful anthropology-play (and what fan of Robert Howard and Clark Ashton Smith doesn't?) then you'll likely enjoy this book.
Green, by Jay Lake, follows the sometimes horrific, sometimes savage, sometimes victorious story of its titular first-person narrator. As a toddler, Green (that only becomes her name well into the novel) is sold off by her single-parent father and taken by ship from her vaguely Southeast-Asian country to the city of Copper Downs, a cold northern kingdom full of pale-skinned people. Over a little more than a dozen years, she discovers the purpose behind her training, returns home, trains to be an assassin, and faces multiple gods.
Lake divides his novel into three major sections. First is Green's time in Copper Downs, ruled for the past four centuries by a seemingly immortal Duke under whose rule some are beginning to chafe. There she is kept isolated in a walled compound and trained by various Mistresses (including a non-human known as Dancing Mistress) in a plentitude of arts and knowledge, not learning the purpose of all this until near the end of the section, which closes in dramatic fashion. Second is her return home to Kalimpura, where she takes service in the Temple of the Lily Goddess and hones the fighting/killing skills she had learned in the compound. Finally, she returns to Copper Downs where she reunites with some familiar folks (both good and bad) from her past and faces the consequences of her actions when last she was there.
While the first section caught and kept my interest, I admit my attention flagged as Green went on and I became less and less enamored with both the character and the plot points. But it did start out promising. Green's voice was one that immediately captivated me as she recalled one of her earliest memories
Though I would come to change the fate of cities and of gods, then I was merely a small, grubby child in a small, grubby corner of the world. I did not have many words. Even so, I knew that my grandmother was lashed astride the back of Papa's patient beast. She was so very still and silent that day, except for her bells . . . My silk is long lost now, as are my several attempts to replace it. Be patient I will explain how this came to be. Before that, will explain how I came to be. If you do not understand this day, earliest in my memory like the first bird that ever grew feathers and threw itself from the limbs of a tree, then you will understand nothing of me and all that has graced and cursed my life in the years since.
I was swept up in her voice and happily followed her through the mysterious training she receives inside the compound cooking, arts and history (though nothing of contemporary times), how to recognize poisons, the physical training she received at the hands (claws) of the feline Dancing Mistress, despite the off-putting viciousness of the mistreatment she received at the hands of her main trainer. There were some plausibility issues, some plot points that didn't seem to hold up if looked at too closely, but these were outweighed by the authority of Green's voice, as was the somewhat abrupt/anti-climactic "big event" toward the end of the section. Beyond the voice, though, I also liked an underlying depth to this section, the themes it dealt with, including identity, slavery, and colonialism.
The second section, though, didn't maintain the promise the first had offered. There was more "action" in this section, but this meant a little less of that reflective, introspective character-driven voice that I'd so responded to in the first section. When that voice begins to interact with a wider world, it becomes more distant and harder to engage with as Green never felt emotionally connected to anyone or events. Unlike the first section, this plot also felt a bit more familiar to other fantasy novels. Another problem was that coincidences and implausibility began to pile up a bit more noticeably, and its dramatic ending felt wholly contrived. And the much greater focus on sexuality I found more than a bit discomfiting, not because of its graphic nature (though I could have done without the euphemism "sweetpocket"), its lesbianism, or its flirting with sadomasochism, but because all of this involved a still underage girl.
The third section widens the scope even more, bringing in a possibly-world changing event the creation of a new god, in part because of what Green had done during her first time Copper Downs. The action ratchets up as well, with more fighting, and also more sex (still discomfiting). I never really felt a good grip on this section, partly because as mentioned my attention had begun to flag, and partly because the underlying premise all felt a bit muddy, unnecessarily so. It also felt very disjointed and arbitrary, without it all fitting into a unified context of worldbuilding.
It was a disappointing finish to a book that had captured me so fully so early; part of me really wished Lake had simply ended Green with section one and called it a novella. I plan on picking up the sequel, Endurance, but also plan on being less patient with it. Here's hoping it recaptures some of the early winning nature of Green.
I wavered between liked and loved bc tho the entertainment value is way up there...meaning it was interesting and fun and I was surprised several times (I always know what is going to happen in a book, so that was cool) there were some points I was a little less impressed with. Just some vagueness and well it is not a literary masterpiece. But if you are into these types of books you can usually put down the pretentious judgment for the length of the book. I love fantasy/scifi so I give not only a pass but an A. (side note ya i am a feminist and I see where some might have issues with some of the plot but I think he makes up for it with the complexities of his female characters. Further not every book can be based in a society where equality is valued and or a matriarchy bc if they did then what would the MC have to struggle against ) idk whatever i liked it.

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