Everneath Brodi Ashton Books

Everneath Brodi Ashton Books
EVERNEATH is just as intriguing as it is addicting! Brodi Ashton puts a fabulous, modern spin on Greek Mythology, introduces characters who are flawed, and yet easy to identify with, and gave me a story I couldn't stop reading. There's something about not understanding every little thing that was happening in the story that made it nearly impossible for me to put it down. I had questions and I wanted answered. I enjoyed the well written mythology, the slight air of mystery that surrounded each character and I loved the romance. This romance wasn't about make out sessions or you know other things. I mean there is great chemistry and kissy scenes, but it was about really being in love, the sacrifice that comes from that, and the powerful pull it has on the person who's in love. It's the kind of love that helps someone escape from the EVERNEATH aka The Under World or as some would it call it, Hell.Nikki also known as Becks to those closest to her is a character I enjoyed getting to know, even though there were times she irritated me. I admired her for returning to the Surface from spending what seemed like an eternity in the underworld (which was only 6 months in the human world), and tries undo the things that happened when she went to the underworld, not fully understanding the risks. I liked that her return mirrored what it would be like for someone who all the sudden vanished and then just as suddenly came home. It's far from easy, but her alternative is just as hard. Lives have been broken, faith shattered, trust and friendships broken, and for some life has moved on while for others it changed them. This is the part of the story that I was able to connect with emotionally. I understand Nikki's actions, and I understood why her family, her old boy friend and friends acted the way they did at first.
I liked that each of the characters through out the story were flawed and all relatable. Each one was broken in a different way, that made it easy to sympathize with them to a degree, including the smoldering, immortal Cole, who won't stop until he gets Nikki back. Brodi wrote her story in a way that was easy for me to understand Nikki's actions and her reasons for them, as well as Jack's and Cole's. I was surprised that I was able to understand Cole's motives, which made it hard to fault him of his wrong doings. Talk about an immortal who won't give up and a true love that won't let anything tear them apart. *sigh* I adore jack and all that he does for Nikki. Can Brodi rip my heart out any more for Jack, Nikki and Cole? It's not just these characters who I felt an attachment to. There are a few secondary characters who surprisingly ended up playing bigger roles in the story itself.
Brodi's writing is truly unique, because Nikki's story is not written in chronological order of the events that happen in her life. I loved it! It really kept the story going and allowed me to understand part of the back story while the story continued to progress forward. If you're worried that this will be hard to follow along, trust me, it's not. Each chapter is titled with a time frame (for a reason). The back story are Nikki's memories, which were a fascinating addition to her story, because they explained why Nikki made the choices she did that lead to her fall and her to the EVERNEATH. They're also her reason for returning and fighting against having to go back.
If you're looking for a new book to pick up at the beginning of next year or gift to pre-order this Christmas/Holiday season, I'd highly recommend this book! It's a clean cut, exciting that will leave you wishing it's sequel was already out.
Unrelated to my review, I love this cover! It's so fitting for the story.

Tags : Amazon.com: Everneath (9780062071132): Brodi Ashton: Books,Brodi Ashton,Everneath,Balzer + Bray,0062071130,Legends, Myths, Fables - General,Romance - General,Social Themes - Emotions & Feelings,Immortalism,Immortality,Immortality;Fiction.,Love,Love stories,Love;Fiction.,Occultism,Paranormal fiction,Supernatural,Supernatural;Fiction.,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Fantasy & magical realism (Children's Teenage),Fiction,Fiction-Fairy Tales, Folklore & Mythology,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Grades 10-12 Ages 15+,Love & Romance,Paranormal,TEEN'S FICTION FANTASY,TEEN'S FICTION ROMANCE,United States,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,Young Adult Fiction Legends, Myths, Fables General,Young Adult Fiction Social Themes Dating & Sex,Young Adult Fiction Social Themes Emotions & Feelings,Young Adult FictionSocial Themes - Dating & Sex,Young Adult FictionSocial Themes - Emotions & Feelings,Love & Romance,Paranormal,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,Young Adult Fiction Legends, Myths, Fables General,Young Adult Fiction Social Themes Dating & Sex,Young Adult Fiction Social Themes Emotions & Feelings,Young Adult FictionSocial Themes - Dating & Sex,Young Adult FictionSocial Themes - Emotions & Feelings,Fiction,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Fantasy & magical realism (Children's Teenage)
Everneath Brodi Ashton Books Reviews
I wasn't sure what to expect from this book as it seemed like people either liked or disliked it. Let's just say I was definitely pleasantly surprised. I rate this book 4.5 stars.
Everneath by Brodi Ashton is a play on the mythological story of Persephone and Hades as well as Orpheus and Eurydice. We are introduced to the protagonist Nikki, who is already currently in the Underworld with Cole, a sinister yet intriguing antagonist. There is one thing that keeps her sane during the 100 years that she is bound, and it is thoughts of her first love, Jack. Only 6 months pass in the upper world, and she returns to Earth for 6 months before her ultimate fate of feeding the energy of the Underworld until she is used up. Jack and Nikki frantically try to find a "cure" and discover secrets along the way.
I'll put this right out there. I absolutely loved this book. Perhaps part of it is that I love Greek mythology to start with, but that said, I thought this book was well done. The characters were very well developed and I really got Nikki's relationships with both Cole and Jack. I understood her progression from despair to hope and the symbolism to drug use with what Cole represented. The prose was very clear and many times poignant, and I blazed through the entire book in a few hours, never losing interest. I was in tears at one point. For me, that's not a usual response. I enjoyed how the book was told in both present day and past day, and thought that this method of storytelling worked very well for the story that was to be told.
So why did I rate this 4.5 stars since it's obvious that I loved it? There were a few things that I saw that for me would propel it even to a higher level. I wish that I had even more details of Nikki's past with Jack. Jack seems like such an interesting character, but in the beginning he's painted as the player guy who sleeps with everyone, which is such a dichotomy from the guy he is with Nikki. There's a reason he does that and I want to know what it is. Second, I'm not sure if this is left for the second book, but there is a huge misunderstanding between Jack and Nikki which leads to her going to the Underworld in the first place. I guess we can chalk up her emotional state to being a teenager, but I wasn't quite convinced. And lastly, I felt that the ending could have been done a little better-- in fact, if it had ended two chapters before, it would have been a better ending I believe.
That said, it's obvious that I loved this book even with its flaws, and I highly recommend it to any lover of YA fiction.
Ensconced in YA blog [...]
Wow! This was fantastic. But before I tell you what I loved so much about this book, let me take us 2 years back. Why so long? In essence, this book has been on my top to read list for the last 2 years, maybe even more. However, one thing followed another and I just refused to start this book. guess, I had the hunch it would be pretty awesome… okay, so now you are wondering, how come I actually read it? It’s a pretty normal story in my life. I was returning back home from Bucharest and I wanted something to read. I had tons of other books to read. One of the first should have been Oliver Phipps’s new book Bitter Harvest, but as always something overcame me and I just started reading it. I couldn’t’ stop until I finished it 4 hours later…
So, what made me chuckle, grin and even exclaim a bit in the plane? The story might be your another Hades and Persephone story, however, this time everything is a bit more difficult. Another thing that made me fall in love with the story is author’s writing style, and especially the way she moves back and fourth from past and present. You might think it’s hell of confusing, but no, it just gives you tons of new information to process and think who you are shipping Nikki with. Me? I’m totally team Cole. it’s true that he’s the least likable character there as he acts as the “villain” for the time being. But I really fell in love with the guy and I really want him to get Nikki. They are awesome together and she makes him a better person!
I hope you’ll find some times to read this great book, and if you have already read it, tell me your thoughts about it! I’m off to read the next book as I really want o know how it’s going to end! Enjoy it to your fullest
EVERNEATH is just as intriguing as it is addicting! Brodi Ashton puts a fabulous, modern spin on Greek Mythology, introduces characters who are flawed, and yet easy to identify with, and gave me a story I couldn't stop reading. There's something about not understanding every little thing that was happening in the story that made it nearly impossible for me to put it down. I had questions and I wanted answered. I enjoyed the well written mythology, the slight air of mystery that surrounded each character and I loved the romance. This romance wasn't about make out sessions or you know other things. I mean there is great chemistry and kissy scenes, but it was about really being in love, the sacrifice that comes from that, and the powerful pull it has on the person who's in love. It's the kind of love that helps someone escape from the EVERNEATH aka The Under World or as some would it call it, Hell.
Nikki also known as Becks to those closest to her is a character I enjoyed getting to know, even though there were times she irritated me. I admired her for returning to the Surface from spending what seemed like an eternity in the underworld (which was only 6 months in the human world), and tries undo the things that happened when she went to the underworld, not fully understanding the risks. I liked that her return mirrored what it would be like for someone who all the sudden vanished and then just as suddenly came home. It's far from easy, but her alternative is just as hard. Lives have been broken, faith shattered, trust and friendships broken, and for some life has moved on while for others it changed them. This is the part of the story that I was able to connect with emotionally. I understand Nikki's actions, and I understood why her family, her old boy friend and friends acted the way they did at first.
I liked that each of the characters through out the story were flawed and all relatable. Each one was broken in a different way, that made it easy to sympathize with them to a degree, including the smoldering, immortal Cole, who won't stop until he gets Nikki back. Brodi wrote her story in a way that was easy for me to understand Nikki's actions and her reasons for them, as well as Jack's and Cole's. I was surprised that I was able to understand Cole's motives, which made it hard to fault him of his wrong doings. Talk about an immortal who won't give up and a true love that won't let anything tear them apart. *sigh* I adore jack and all that he does for Nikki. Can Brodi rip my heart out any more for Jack, Nikki and Cole? It's not just these characters who I felt an attachment to. There are a few secondary characters who surprisingly ended up playing bigger roles in the story itself.
Brodi's writing is truly unique, because Nikki's story is not written in chronological order of the events that happen in her life. I loved it! It really kept the story going and allowed me to understand part of the back story while the story continued to progress forward. If you're worried that this will be hard to follow along, trust me, it's not. Each chapter is titled with a time frame (for a reason). The back story are Nikki's memories, which were a fascinating addition to her story, because they explained why Nikki made the choices she did that lead to her fall and her to the EVERNEATH. They're also her reason for returning and fighting against having to go back.
If you're looking for a new book to pick up at the beginning of next year or gift to pre-order this Christmas/Holiday season, I'd highly recommend this book! It's a clean cut, exciting that will leave you wishing it's sequel was already out.
Unrelated to my review, I love this cover! It's so fitting for the story.

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