Anew The Archers of Avalon Book One Chelsea Fine Books

Anew The Archers of Avalon Book One Chelsea Fine Books
I actually said "interesting" out loud as I finished the last page.OK so you have Scarlet, a teenage girl, who woke up in the woods two years ago with no memory. A live triangle between two guys, one who acts like a total jerk to her but she is drawn to him anyways, absentee parental figures, and an overly involved best friend. If you enjoyed the Fallen series you will enjoy this. This is not an angels series though. If you read Fallen you are inevitably going to spend the first chunk of the book trying to relate it to that, which is going to hinder this books some as you try to shove it into a box it doesn't fit into because they are two different universes. The universe is still pretty hidden at the end of book 1, but you get enough to pull you out of the Fallen stratosphere.
Spoilers from here on out
Have you read the book yet? If not stop. Seriously. I'm going to ruin it for you if you keep reading.
OK, whatever. I warned you.
OK, so how can these guys have lived for like 500 years and not have any idea there is anything else supernatural put there? And how did Nate become the go to guy for knowledge? They all got their immortality at the same time. And how did one of the voles go missing? And why did these two moms drink the voles? Why were they so special? And why does Scarlett 's body just disappear when she dies and where does it go? Like immediate rebirth on the spot with memory loss I could go oh year immortal blood, but something else is totally at play here. I mean bodies don't just disappear and hand out in the aether for one to a hundred years. And if witches are a thing couldn't they just find another witch to break the curse? I mean, it worked for Angel. Yes I just used Buffy the Vampire Slayer as a source. And Laura is totally up to something. I mean all these business trips to Europe. Is she working with the ash man? Is that why her eyes flashed at the sight of Gabriel? And shouldn't Scarlet think it's weird that she has been dating Gabriel for months and Laura never asked to meet him? And he was never at her house when Laura was there? So was Laura siphoning off Scarlett's memories and had the ash man do it while she was away, hence the ash man knowing exactly where to go?
Moving on to things that annoyed me. Don't you feel like the guys would have mentioned to Nate hey, don't tell Scarlett anything about the curse and what not. And seriously why would Scarlett hand over the arrow. Her flashback told her the arrow was dangerous. Why wouldnt she think huh there must be a reason I hid this from the guys? Also, it was so obvious Tristan was trying to kill himself, so Gabriel being a d**k about the whole murder thing was annoying. Don't be so dense Gabe.

Tags : Anew: The Archers of Avalon, Book One (9781935089490): Chelsea Fine: Books,Chelsea Fine,Anew: The Archers of Avalon, Book One,Acacia Publishing, Inc.,1935089498,Fantasy - General,Girls & Women,Romance - General,Amnesia;Fiction.,Blessing and cursing;Fiction.,Brothers;Fiction.,Literature & Fiction Contemporary,Amnesia,Blessing and cursing,Brothers,Children's BooksAll Ages,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Fantasy & Magic,Fiction,Fiction-Fantasy,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Grades 10-12 Ages 15+,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fantasy General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Girls & Women,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General
Anew The Archers of Avalon Book One Chelsea Fine Books Reviews
This book was a little hard for me to get into at first. Not for lack of good writing, the story was fine and it seemed to flow nicely. I guess my biggest problem with the whole first half of the book really was that it was a bit boring. Scarlet was cool... given her history I think she seemed to handle things well and she was trying to be normal. Gabriel was a stand up guy, nothing about him made me dislike him, but nothing made me love him either. Tristan was a good character as well. Obviously there's something between Tristan and Scarlet but we didn't really get any insight into that in this book. Just a few memories here and there.
I'll start with what bothered me. There were too many questions and not enough answers. Even when Gabriel started telling Scarlet that she would die, he left out quite a lot of details. Nate had to tell her later in the book which was weird to me. I think there could've been quite a bit more history given into the background of the three immortal guys as well as Scarlet. A cursed arrow just seems like a tiny thing to have caused so much trouble for 500 years. What was with the "ash man"?? No answers, no hints, nothing. Except, I don't trust Laura. Don't ask me why, I just don't think she's good and her timing for trips was pretty convenient!! I would have liked more answers so that I at least had some idea of where the story is going for future books. The ending we were left with gives me the impression (and I could be wrong) that Scarlet is going to die yet again and wake up dumb.
The things I liked... I did like getting to read from the three different point of views. I liked having that insight into everyone's thoughts and I enjoyed getting to know each of the characters for who they were. We didn't see the outer version of what was portrayed, rather we felt the inner struggles and thoughts of everyone and I liked that. For whatever reason, love triangles bother me... but this one didn't. Here's why... I didn't feel a super strong connection between Gabriel and Scarlet. Don't know why, I just didn't. I think he cares for her and I know she cares for him but there weren't sparks. Tristan however had sparks coming out his ears and I would've loved to know the story behind the man. I liked that Scarlet seemed strong and though she thought she'd die, she still wanted to live. That was a very important aspect of me pulling so strongly for her in the end.
I'll definitely get the next book for my and see where it goes. I think the story could come a long way and I hope for more from the next installment. I'm more like 3.5 stars with this book so I decided to round up this time around. It's completely clean so good for kids of all ages.
I actually said "interesting" out loud as I finished the last page.
OK so you have Scarlet, a teenage girl, who woke up in the woods two years ago with no memory. A live triangle between two guys, one who acts like a total jerk to her but she is drawn to him anyways, absentee parental figures, and an overly involved best friend. If you enjoyed the Fallen series you will enjoy this. This is not an angels series though. If you read Fallen you are inevitably going to spend the first chunk of the book trying to relate it to that, which is going to hinder this books some as you try to shove it into a box it doesn't fit into because they are two different universes. The universe is still pretty hidden at the end of book 1, but you get enough to pull you out of the Fallen stratosphere.
Spoilers from here on out
Have you read the book yet? If not stop. Seriously. I'm going to ruin it for you if you keep reading.
OK, whatever. I warned you.
OK, so how can these guys have lived for like 500 years and not have any idea there is anything else supernatural put there? And how did Nate become the go to guy for knowledge? They all got their immortality at the same time. And how did one of the voles go missing? And why did these two moms drink the voles? Why were they so special? And why does Scarlett 's body just disappear when she dies and where does it go? Like immediate rebirth on the spot with memory loss I could go oh year immortal blood, but something else is totally at play here. I mean bodies don't just disappear and hand out in the aether for one to a hundred years. And if witches are a thing couldn't they just find another witch to break the curse? I mean, it worked for Angel. Yes I just used Buffy the Vampire Slayer as a source. And Laura is totally up to something. I mean all these business trips to Europe. Is she working with the ash man? Is that why her eyes flashed at the sight of Gabriel? And shouldn't Scarlet think it's weird that she has been dating Gabriel for months and Laura never asked to meet him? And he was never at her house when Laura was there? So was Laura siphoning off Scarlett's memories and had the ash man do it while she was away, hence the ash man knowing exactly where to go?
Moving on to things that annoyed me. Don't you feel like the guys would have mentioned to Nate hey, don't tell Scarlett anything about the curse and what not. And seriously why would Scarlett hand over the arrow. Her flashback told her the arrow was dangerous. Why wouldnt she think huh there must be a reason I hid this from the guys? Also, it was so obvious Tristan was trying to kill himself, so Gabriel being a d**k about the whole murder thing was annoying. Don't be so dense Gabe.

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