A Court of Wings and Ruin A Court of Thorns and Roses Sarah J Maas author 9781408857908 Books

A Court of Wings and Ruin A Court of Thorns and Roses Sarah J Maas author 9781408857908 Books
Let me start off by saying I LOVED ACOMAF with everything in me. That book will forever stay in my top 3.
But this? This book I will probably never read again.
2 stars knocked off for two reasons.
1) My poor love-bucket Azriel was done DIRTY. I'm all for gay relationships (Gallavich anyone?) but Morrigan, what the hell?! How dare you string my baby along for centuries! I understand being scared/afraid to come out, but to know that someone is so deeply in love with you and allow that to go on for literally hundreds of years WHILE TAKING OTHER MEN TO BED with ZERO explanation as to why Az was simply not making the cut, seemed like a pretty big slap in the face if you ask me. I don't see myself every getting over that. Ever. I cried when I read her confession to Feyre, not for Mor - but for Az, because it felt like utter betrayal.
Unless Morrigan can pull the world's largest, most heartfelt apology out of her ass in the next continuation, then I will remain salty af for probably the next hundred years.
2) Nesta & Elain. Okay, I was totally riding the sympathy train in the beginning of the book - their lives had been turned upside down, blah blah blah, but I mean come on! At some point, Elain should've shown some minute acceptance rather than being little more than an annoying liability. I really really REALLY don't like Elain. I didn't much care for her to begin with, but blegh. Continuing to pine after Graysen and be mopey overall - pass.
As for Nesta, I still live for her banter/sexual tension with Cassian, but there's playing hard to get and then there's whatever she's doing. It's obnoxious. Don't lay one on my man in the heat of battle and then act as if he doesn't exist two days later. Girl, bye.
A few other things bothered me as well - parts felt rushed. Too many characters were introduced and it was a time trying to keep up with everyone. Amren/Feyre/Nesta with their INSANE powers all fell a little flat for me when game time came. Tamlin in general gave me whiplash.
All that being said, there were things I liked in this book:
-Ianthe and her death (:
-The Bone Carver/Bryaxis
-JURIAN (I honestly did not see that coming)
-Lucien (even though he was remarkably absent for most of it)
-The war scenes (so easy to picture)
This book was not great for me, but I still have hope for the next installment, whoever it may be about.
P.S. Sarah - don't think I'm not serious as a heart attack when I say I expect big things for Azriel in the future, or you will lose a reader(:

Tags : A Court of Wings and Ruin (A Court of Thorns and Roses) [Sarah J. Maas (author)] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Court of Wings and Ruin,Sarah J. Maas (author),A Court of Wings and Ruin (A Court of Thorns and Roses),Bloomsbury,1408857901
A Court of Wings and Ruin A Court of Thorns and Roses Sarah J Maas author 9781408857908 Books Reviews
Sadly, this third installment was somewhat of a letdown after the amazingness of ACOMAF. Overall, I do still love the series, but was disappointed with this one for a variety of reasons
- First off, I felt the pacing was off in several areas, and there were a handful of times where certain events/ideas were seemingly thrown in haphazardly. (For example, it made NO SENSE to me that Feyre would go off by herself to find the Suriel, IN THE MIDDLE OF A BATTLE, to find the location of Hybern's main army?... I actually really enjoyed the inclusion of the Suriel storyline, but the timing of it didn't make ANY sense to me, and there really was no need to lie about it to the other characters & cause unnecessary tension/trust issues with them... It was just odd. And on that note, basically every time Feyre went off on her own to accomplish something, it was somewhat puzzling to me. I get that Maas was trying to establish that Feyre is now this badass, independent, strong woman that can take care of herself, but really, in most cases it just seemed like a dumb idea for her to leave her squad and/or lie about it, and it certainly felt like she was less effective without them most of the time). As for the pacing, there were parts of the story that seemed to drag & felt somewhat unnecessary, while others felt super rushed and unfinished. This was a HUGE difference from the first two books, both of which I literally couldn't put down, due to the pacing & crazy suspense/tension running throughout. By contrast, there were several parts in ACOWAR that felt like filler, or felt completely unnecessary & out of place?
-Another frustrating aspect were all of the undeveloped characters and relationships. For example, there is virtually no change in the Cassian-Nesta and Lucien-Elain storylines throughout the story. Other than a few glimmers of actual emotions/feelings from Nesta, she remains extremely detached and distant the ENTIRE book, which made it difficult for me to root for her (to be fair, she did have that badass moment at the end with Cassian & Hybern, but then she seems to immediately retreat back to her same brooding, distant self?). I don't know, based on other reviews, I might be alone in my dislike of Nesta, but I just felt like Cassian was WAY too good for her, from the beginning to the end. And then there's Lucien's unrequited feelings for Elain that never advanced through the story at all, partly because Lucien was absent, and partly because Elain seems to have the disposition & personality of a mannequin. I mean, we get it... yes, we know Nesta and Elain are very upset about being immortal. But like, at some point shouldn't they have moved on? At least a little? It was almost like they were lobotomized in that cauldron, and they came out with no personality or emotion. Also, Azriel suddenly showing interest in Elain seemed pretty out of character and odd? As for Mor - I'm totally okay with the direction Maas went with her, but I'm pretty pissed that it means she's been stringing Azriel along (and sleeping with lots of other men, I might add) for literally HUNDREDS OF YEARS. WTH?... And while Mor's explanation for doing so is somewhat understandable, it still doesn't excuse the fact that she's been hiding the truth from him, when she's very aware he loves her.
-And then there's Feyre and Rhysand -- they were probably my favorite literary couple, as written in ACOMAF. Sadly, they were almost boring together in ACOWAR. Where did the intensity/passion/teamwork/banter between them go? It's like all of the exciting & good aspects of their relationship were watered down. And I feel like there was SO MUCH missed opportunity for them to be working together, being a powerful, magical, badass duo, but there was really very little of that. And as for their passion/intensity, it wasn't even close to the connection they had in ACOMAF. As many have mentioned, the sex scenes were somewhat graphic (though not any more graphic than those in ACOMAF), yet they were COMPLETELY lacking the emotion and intensity that was conveyed in ACOMAF. For the most part, there were just a lot of off-hand remarks and references to them not being able to keep their hands off each other, but the actual sex scenes were decidedly un-hot and just kind of unnecessary? My overall feeling about them together in this book can be summed up as MEH, which is such a bummer. Especially because I get the impression the remaining books in the series will focus on Feyre's sisters and others in the group, so it's disappointing that the end of Feyre & Rhysand's story felt so underwhelming.
-There were some great aspects to the book, though. The highlights for me were AMREN (she was awesome in this), the Suriel, the Library, meeting the High Lords, warrior Cassian, and Jurian.
Bottom line, it was an okay third book - I did enjoy reading it for the most part, and still love the series overall, but it was FOR SURE the weakest of the three for me (my gauge for this is that while I've re-read the first & second books many times, I have no desire to re-read this one)... And sadly, given the lack of growth in many of the side characters, I'm just not that excited to see what happens with them in the upcoming books.
Let me start off by saying I LOVED ACOMAF with everything in me. That book will forever stay in my top 3.
But this? This book I will probably never read again.
2 stars knocked off for two reasons.
1) My poor love-bucket Azriel was done DIRTY. I'm all for gay relationships (Gallavich anyone?) but Morrigan, what the hell?! How dare you string my baby along for centuries! I understand being scared/afraid to come out, but to know that someone is so deeply in love with you and allow that to go on for literally hundreds of years WHILE TAKING OTHER MEN TO BED with ZERO explanation as to why Az was simply not making the cut, seemed like a pretty big slap in the face if you ask me. I don't see myself every getting over that. Ever. I cried when I read her confession to Feyre, not for Mor - but for Az, because it felt like utter betrayal.
Unless Morrigan can pull the world's largest, most heartfelt apology out of her ass in the next continuation, then I will remain salty af for probably the next hundred years.
2) Nesta & Elain. Okay, I was totally riding the sympathy train in the beginning of the book - their lives had been turned upside down, blah blah blah, but I mean come on! At some point, Elain should've shown some minute acceptance rather than being little more than an annoying liability. I really really REALLY don't like Elain. I didn't much care for her to begin with, but blegh. Continuing to pine after Graysen and be mopey overall - pass.
As for Nesta, I still live for her banter/sexual tension with Cassian, but there's playing hard to get and then there's whatever she's doing. It's obnoxious. Don't lay one on my man in the heat of battle and then act as if he doesn't exist two days later. Girl, bye.
A few other things bothered me as well - parts felt rushed. Too many characters were introduced and it was a time trying to keep up with everyone. Amren/Feyre/Nesta with their INSANE powers all fell a little flat for me when game time came. Tamlin in general gave me whiplash.
All that being said, there were things I liked in this book
-Ianthe and her death (
-The Bone Carver/Bryaxis
-JURIAN (I honestly did not see that coming)
-Lucien (even though he was remarkably absent for most of it)
-The war scenes (so easy to picture)
This book was not great for me, but I still have hope for the next installment, whoever it may be about.
P.S. Sarah - don't think I'm not serious as a heart attack when I say I expect big things for Azriel in the future, or you will lose a reader(

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