Diane Downs Best Kept Secrets Elizabeth Diane Downs 9780962274503 Books

Diane Downs Best Kept Secrets Elizabeth Diane Downs 9780962274503 Books
I enjoyed this book and found Diane’s account very interesting after reading Small Sacrifices. She’s definitely something else....
Tags : Diane Downs: Best Kept Secrets [Elizabeth Diane Downs] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Other side of the same story as Ann Rule's Small Sacrifices -- child-killer Downs attempts to explain why she didn't do it. Kind of a home-made production.,Elizabeth Diane Downs,Diane Downs: Best Kept Secrets,Danmark Pub,096227450X,6254354,Non-Classifiable,Nonfiction - General
Diane Downs Best Kept Secrets Elizabeth Diane Downs 9780962274503 Books Reviews
I have been following this case since I was a little girl. Good book to read if you want to enter the mind of a Sociopathy but if you want the truth I suggest reading Ann rules book small sacrifices.
I got to read this book before it was avable to the public. It was printed at NORTH WEST WEB. IN Eugene Oregon. My dad ran the press there and brought a copy hot off the press. Its a really good book. I still can't believe Diane still says she didn't shoot her kids. Everyone knows she's the one that shot them.
This poorly written book purports to give Diane Downs' story of what happened to her unfortunate children.
As an answer to Ann Rule's thoughtful "Small Sacrifices", it doesn't make the grade in any way. If I had any reservations that Diane may not have comitted the crimes she was convicted of, this nonsense would set me straight.
For a woman who is supposed to be very intelligent, Diane comes across as badly educated, transparently manipulative & well...stupid. Her explanations for events leading up to the crimes aren't very convincing, & her alternative to the accepted story is ridiculous.
She also seems consumed with rage & completely self obsessed. I certainly had no trouble believing that anyone who got in her way was disposable.
It's almost embarrassing as she digs herself a big, big hole trying to explain away facts established at her trial.
Read this for a fascinating look at a very disturbed, evil woman.
I rarely leave long, concise reviews about books but had to on this one. For some reason this case has fascinated me for years. Probably because I cannot wrap my head around it. This book is a very good look into this woman's mind.
One thing I noted throughout the book is how Diane keeps bringing up how this man or that one found her beautiful, enchanting etc. This is a woman who clearly, although she protests and denies it, depends on men and their attention for her self esteem. I, myself always thought she was average looking. But she insists that men have found her beautiful. Very shallow.
She also goes on about her intelligence. Intelligent people do not need to remind you that they are very smart over and over. Diane does. Again, I see no proof of her supposedly superior smarts.
She contradicts herself over and over in this book. I am surprised, with her superior smarts, she did not see that. Just one instance she talks about how Cheryl had no bangs to her haircut. Then she talks about Christie drew her sister with bangs. Inconsistency runs rampant in this book with Diane changing it up however she sees fit to talk at us. It is as if, she with her super smart brain, yes this is sarcasm, is talking to us peons. And because she says it, even if she has changed what is she is saying, we are supposed to nod our heads and agree, forgetting what she said just awhile ago.
She does not even go into detail about certain things. Such as the video taping of the reenactment. The one where she is smiling and laughing while she shows them how she was over powered and shot along with her kids. It all seemed like such fun when you watch that. Then there is the video of her grinning to one woman reporter while she talks about all the blood in her car and how she could not tie her shoes for 2 months. This woman is a classic narcissist.
Diane was accused, over and over about how her reactions were not normal to the tragedy in her life. Yet, in this book, she tells you of the hours and days she spend crying. We never saw it, but she tells you she cried buckets.
Diane also loves her adjectives. They are all negative adjectives as well. Defiantly, sarcastically,etc. These seem to only prove her anti-social tendencies. Everyone was against her. Everyone.
I think Diane thought we would read this book and stupidly smack our selves on the forehead and say Oh wow, she did not do it. It did not have that affect on me.
Diane has an explanation for everything and she delivers it in a way that she expects us to believe. She switches it up depending on how effective she believes it to be. I watched her last parole hearing in which declares, I am not stupid. Then she goes on to tell about a boyfriend (ever notice how this woman who says men are not important to her always had boyfriends) who needed some photographs the night of the shooting. This guy supposedly worked for the FBI and Diane had some pictures he needed?! Um, OK. This has never been mentioned before and is not in this book either. Classic Diane. She conjured that one out of thin air.
This is a poorly written book and at times, hard to read. But it gives a very good look at this woman who believes she is beautiful, brilliant, special. We could not possibly understand what she knows. She also wants you to believe she is those things when in fact she seems pretty average with huge self esteem issues and blames everyone else for her troubles. She also arrogantly claims she could break out of any prison and backs it up with someone supposedly saying this about her as well. Diane is just so much smarter than anyone else. Just ask her.
I read this book due to curiousity and having read Small Sacrifices by Ann Rule and wanted another perspective on the case. Basically the book is a combination of 2 main things- a plea to her eldest daughter Christie telling her that Diane is innocent and a flat out denial that she did anything wrong and her blaming Drs, nurses, social workers, cops, the DA, ADAs, Steve, Bert and anyone and everyone involved in the case with the exception of one- Diane Downs. In order to believe her account of the events surrounding the shooting of her children you would have to believe that Everyone but Diane who was involved in the case was either totally incompetant or involved in a conspiracy against her. If not for other factors I may have believed her but there is WAY too much evidence against her for anyone with a brain to write it off as a coincidence. Diane's psychological tests revealed histrionic personality traits- a.k.a drama queen to the extreme, narcisistic personality traits- a.k.a extreme selfishness and the ability to ralionalize any behavior that helps further her goals reguardless of how inappropriate, illegal, hurtful or even deadly her actions are to anyone else because in her mind she's so much more important than anyone else, and the most significant, antisocial personality traits- a.k.a sociopathy where she has no conscience and feels no remorse or guilt about her wrongdoing and only cares about what's good for Diane. Someone like her lies as easy as others breathe and she also has a massive ego so she was sure that she could shoot her children, get away with it and then marry Bert and live happily ever after. Of course she denies all of this but in her diary all she rambles on and on about is how much she loves Bert and has to have him until (I believe this is my own theory, not a fact) she made the decision to eliminate the biggest obstacle to being with Bert, her children. At which point she covers it up by writing all sorts of things about how much she loves her kids in her diary (even though she hardly mentioned them before that) and how she is indifferent to Bert. Since sociopaths lack true feelings I believe that Diane wrote those entries to cover her ass and wrote what she believed a loving mother would write all while planning to eliminate her children. I also truly believe that if she had gotten away with what she did to her children than Bert's wife would have had a "mysterious" accident. Diane Downs was only 27 when the shooting occured but had already had 6 pregnancies with 5 different fathers. Christie, Cheryl and one pregnancy that she ended in termination were fathered by her ex-husband Steve Downs, Danny was fathered by a younger guy who Diane chose as a "good specimen" after Steve had a vasectomy. Then Diane had a daughter who was a surrogate baby for a childless couple who was fathered by the husband who she gave up at birth. Then while awaiting trial for the charges against Christie, Cheryl and Danny she seduced another younger man, lied to him about being on the pill and became pregnant with her youngest child who was given up for adoption at birth. I believe in her disturbed mind that children fulfilled some need in her but the idea of the children and the reality of them were 2 different things. A child requires a great physical, emotional and financial investment which would be difficult if not impossible for an antisocial narcissist to make. She's a real piece of work and I am SO glad that she has been imprisoned for as long as she has and truly hope that she is never set free. Or at least I hope and pray that they keep her locked up until she goes through menopause because she has done WAY TOO MUCH damage to her children already and it would be a travesty to allow her to do any more harm to her children. Christie almost died and is partially paralyzed, Cheryl is dead, Danny is in a wheelchair for quite possibly the rest of his life, her surrogate daughter and her youngest daughter who was given up for adoption at birth both may have to live with the knowledge that the woman who gave birth to them murdered their half sister and tried to murder their other half brother and half sister. Hasn't Diane Downs done enough damage for a lifetime?
I enjoyed this book and found Diane’s account very interesting after reading Small Sacrifices. She’s definitely something else....

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